December 11 2005 is a day for my biggest cousin (daddy's side) to remember for life. It's his wedding!!! ho0h0o~~~Attended the wedding lunch and saw my long-time-no-see cousins fr0m australia. talk alot...trying to catch up on one another...and we have agreed to meet up one day and go clubbing l0lx...saw lots of uncles and aunties...usually we only get to see each other on new year eve for reunion dinner...and most of my cousins actually grew up!!! i mean they are taller than me and prettier le wor...haha...
the hotel was ok..but then the f00d....well....i mean it's quite ok..just that i kind of feel that there's should be more improvement to it...but the dessert was great i love it haha..though i only have one serving...taken a few pictures...*specially borrowed a cam fr0m a friend*....drank s0me wine...cant take it w0r...abit dizzy...haha....
the c0uple's great...handsome guy with a pretty little wife...hehe sweet-looking face...i guess this is the first time she see me and i see her so we didnt talk much wor...but i look forward to seeing her in near future...
gueSs...i can only wish the couple all the best and may your future shines ever so brightly w0r..hehe...children and grandchildren everywhere hehe.....hahaha......
Monday, December 12, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
I am me
Each of us have different personality and character. You cannot make them change. If you can change fr0m one person to another, high change that you have split personality and i suggest you go see a psychologist. No one can replace you in the world. So.......
What i want to say is that i'm just me. Dont expect me to change anything to fit you so that you can be happier. I wont do that. Not even if you are someone close to me. My personality is what makes me me today. If you dont like it, you can just say it but i can for sure tell you I still wont change unless i feel there's a need!!! You might be right sometimes and I'm in the wrong. If that's the case i'll apologise but if you think that i apologise for something i didnt do wrongly u can wait till your next life. I dont understand how come some people cant control their temper. I mean is there a need to anyhow throw things on the ground to vent your angry??? No! I think that it will only show people that you lose control easily and you are violent. People will be more careful around you cause they never know when you actually hurt them. I'll keep my distance away.
Just a word of caution, beware of people who lose control easily.
What i want to say is that i'm just me. Dont expect me to change anything to fit you so that you can be happier. I wont do that. Not even if you are someone close to me. My personality is what makes me me today. If you dont like it, you can just say it but i can for sure tell you I still wont change unless i feel there's a need!!! You might be right sometimes and I'm in the wrong. If that's the case i'll apologise but if you think that i apologise for something i didnt do wrongly u can wait till your next life. I dont understand how come some people cant control their temper. I mean is there a need to anyhow throw things on the ground to vent your angry??? No! I think that it will only show people that you lose control easily and you are violent. People will be more careful around you cause they never know when you actually hurt them. I'll keep my distance away.
Just a word of caution, beware of people who lose control easily.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Sentosa trip
dotx...t0day sick terribLe leH...bl0ck n0se...fever...c0ugh..whatever y0u can have happen t0 me lia0...555555555555~~~ **(meAning crY)**.........still have to sit in a air-c0n r00m...haIX...takeN s0me pills lia0..much better...broke a c0ld sweat...taT's g00d news...hehe...anyWay...i'm still abit the end of the week i'm better...i'm having a camp leh..cannot sick if not i cant enjoy myself lia0....hEex...anYway...friends out there take care it you are in which may be so cold...or so hot like africa...haha....drink more water and have more fruits...dotX...*naGGing*
Monday, November 07, 2005
Such people exist!!!
Honestly, i always see the wrong things in a person. I mean some1 that is nice to me and the 1st thing that come to my mind is he's a g00d guy i can be his friend. But i was so wrong. Something bad happen to me. Even though it happen on an online game, i'm still very sad and ANGRY...
It happen about an year ago. I get to know this guy fr0m the game since we are in the same guild. He's nice and friendly and we actually got well together. Inside the game we got married. *Do not think otherwise!!!* I thought i can trust him so i gave him my game account. At first nothing happen. We just go about playing our game. Sometimes we go on each other account and try playing different classes. Things started to change. My char always seems to be delvling instead of lvling. I found out that he always go on my char and PK (player kill) and die. I actually caught him once and he apologise. I didnt do anything and forgive him. Few months later, when i went online i realised that my account is empty. Everything inside is gone. I realised then that he steal my account and disappeared. Ever since then, i havent seen him anymore. Until yesterday....i got killed by some1 and that some1 is him!!! i was so angry u know...i got onto my own char and scolded him..and guess wad he scold me back. well i can expect that but wad really surprise me is that he scold all the bad stuff out.....i cant imagine that...he used to be such a nice guy and now he become this....i swear that 1 day i will kill him (on the game) with my own char and he will remember that i am not a small girl to be bully by him anymore.
My true friend say something..he's not some1 that worth your tears over. Yes that's true cause i will not care about him let him scold what he like as long as i go about my own stuff and be happy!!!
It happen about an year ago. I get to know this guy fr0m the game since we are in the same guild. He's nice and friendly and we actually got well together. Inside the game we got married. *Do not think otherwise!!!* I thought i can trust him so i gave him my game account. At first nothing happen. We just go about playing our game. Sometimes we go on each other account and try playing different classes. Things started to change. My char always seems to be delvling instead of lvling. I found out that he always go on my char and PK (player kill) and die. I actually caught him once and he apologise. I didnt do anything and forgive him. Few months later, when i went online i realised that my account is empty. Everything inside is gone. I realised then that he steal my account and disappeared. Ever since then, i havent seen him anymore. Until yesterday....i got killed by some1 and that some1 is him!!! i was so angry u know...i got onto my own char and scolded him..and guess wad he scold me back. well i can expect that but wad really surprise me is that he scold all the bad stuff out.....i cant imagine that...he used to be such a nice guy and now he become this....i swear that 1 day i will kill him (on the game) with my own char and he will remember that i am not a small girl to be bully by him anymore.
My true friend say something..he's not some1 that worth your tears over. Yes that's true cause i will not care about him let him scold what he like as long as i go about my own stuff and be happy!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Can anyone controls his/her temper? I guess not. Well, i mean it's ok that you can lose your temper OCCASIONALLY but not always right? I just feel kind of sad for some friends. Just because they are feeling tired and not well they can have a right to scold your friend? I mean he is your friend, think of his own feelings before you scold him. Besides in a relationship, both of you should take a step at a time, allow each other space and time. Consider each other feelings before you do something that will make you regret forever.
I have done things that i feel is wrong. And i regretted it. Honestly, i hope i can take back all these things and words that i have said. But once it's done it's done. That hurt is forever there on the other person and the only thing you can do is to ensure that the cut doesnt go any deeper. Promise yourself that you will treasure your loved ones even your friends because they will always be there for you.
I have done things that i feel is wrong. And i regretted it. Honestly, i hope i can take back all these things and words that i have said. But once it's done it's done. That hurt is forever there on the other person and the only thing you can do is to ensure that the cut doesnt go any deeper. Promise yourself that you will treasure your loved ones even your friends because they will always be there for you.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
TP Exam
In another 44 hours fr0m n0w I'm going to sit for my telecommunications paper. Honestly, I only revise 2 chapters only. I still have another 2 more chapters to go and that's excluding 3 other chapters that have been tested since common test. It's all about theories and i hate theories!!! All about noise and bandwidth, etc.. s0 b0ring!!! What to do..i have to go through the exam no matter what right? d0Tx..just only a short short note to update on my current state: dead beat!!!!!!! :'(
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Singapore 1st Superstar......
After a long months of waiting, we have our own first superstar!!! Kelvin had WON!!!! Haha! I must say that I'm really quite happy with the result. I'm sure many of us have the same feeling as I do. ^_^
I don't deny that Kelly is a g00d singer. She always gives me this impression that when she's on the stage, she shines like a star waiting for us to see and admire. I do admire her. To make it through so many stages and become who she is today. Determination and will enables her to be her. Her hard work is shown to everyone out there, fr0m her fashion to her singing we can see a huge change in it. The song that she sings“美丽笨女孩” makes people notice her right away. Though she didn't manage to win the competition, to me, she's still a winner. She create a superstar in herself that leaves memories to each and every one of us out there. 加油吧!
Kelvin. Right fr0m the start of the competition, he's just a guy that joins the competition hoping to fulfil his dreams of becoming a singer. As time passes by, he changes fr0m just a guy int0 s0meone wh0's always working hard t0 continue his journey t0wards success. Right until n0w, he been through many hardships and pain, and heaven kn0ws he did, and reward him with his dreams. He's a her0 to many people out there because he never drop his wish but continue down the path. He brought pride to his family!!!
I'm sure that many people out there feels that the result is n0t fair! How can s0meone that is blind be a Superstar? He can't even dance. He can't even sign a proper signature. He can't see his fans. Let me tell you this!!! So what???!!! So what if he's blind...he proved himself to be worthy of the title Superstar. That's all it matters!!! Everyone has heard him sings. Don't you think that he uses his emotions and feelings to sing out, make us feel him!!!! I'm sure he can be a real g00d superstar because he can sing!!!! I look forward to seeing his first debut solo album!!! G0 f0r it Kelvin!!!
*gIggLes* ^_^
I don't deny that Kelly is a g00d singer. She always gives me this impression that when she's on the stage, she shines like a star waiting for us to see and admire. I do admire her. To make it through so many stages and become who she is today. Determination and will enables her to be her. Her hard work is shown to everyone out there, fr0m her fashion to her singing we can see a huge change in it. The song that she sings“美丽笨女孩” makes people notice her right away. Though she didn't manage to win the competition, to me, she's still a winner. She create a superstar in herself that leaves memories to each and every one of us out there. 加油吧!
Kelvin. Right fr0m the start of the competition, he's just a guy that joins the competition hoping to fulfil his dreams of becoming a singer. As time passes by, he changes fr0m just a guy int0 s0meone wh0's always working hard t0 continue his journey t0wards success. Right until n0w, he been through many hardships and pain, and heaven kn0ws he did, and reward him with his dreams. He's a her0 to many people out there because he never drop his wish but continue down the path. He brought pride to his family!!!
I'm sure that many people out there feels that the result is n0t fair! How can s0meone that is blind be a Superstar? He can't even dance. He can't even sign a proper signature. He can't see his fans. Let me tell you this!!! So what???!!! So what if he's blind...he proved himself to be worthy of the title Superstar. That's all it matters!!! Everyone has heard him sings. Don't you think that he uses his emotions and feelings to sing out, make us feel him!!!! I'm sure he can be a real g00d superstar because he can sing!!!! I look forward to seeing his first debut solo album!!! G0 f0r it Kelvin!!!
*gIggLes* ^_^
Monday, August 29, 2005
In an0ther weEK....
MY G0D!!! OHH MAN!!! AHH!!! 7 days later I'm going to have my holidays again. But this holiday is n0t really h0liday l0r, it's a study week f0r me t0 catch up on my sch00l w0rk!! d0Tx laR!! I have been slacking t00 much lia0. This is going to be a bad habit. Have been missing class ever since "Ks" told me that the debarment period is over. AlamAk!!! N0 self-descipline. :(
Anyway, I hope that in that 1 week I can finish my revision on time. Especially MCTE and ACDA!! Cause i really don't kn0w what the lectures are talking about. I also have to worry about my maths!! MAN!!!! This one is important cause if i didnt make it, i wont be able to continue to study. Besides that, i also want to settle my phone. Changing of plans and stuff. It has already been dragging for a long time. ^.^
**jUSt a short one t0 remind myself what i'm supposed t0 d0. I will keep on updating if any new plans c0me up!!! **
Anyway, I hope that in that 1 week I can finish my revision on time. Especially MCTE and ACDA!! Cause i really don't kn0w what the lectures are talking about. I also have to worry about my maths!! MAN!!!! This one is important cause if i didnt make it, i wont be able to continue to study. Besides that, i also want to settle my phone. Changing of plans and stuff. It has already been dragging for a long time. ^.^
**jUSt a short one t0 remind myself what i'm supposed t0 d0. I will keep on updating if any new plans c0me up!!! **
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
d0tx..i l0ve it!

Dont you think it l00ks cute? hehE~~
I l0ve it!!!! ^_^
liTtle pIgGy.....
This picture was a small gift fr0m a g00d friend i kn0wn thr0ugh internet. He's really a niCe guy!!!! He's the same age as me s0 i guess that's the reason we can communicate very well. We crap al0t, on messenger chat or even on gamEs. That is why having him around is alot of fun!! You wont feel so bored while playing game because every few minutes he will just send you a short message to cheer y0u up!! He loves to use this t0 me: 猪!!再做什么啊?! haha!!
All tHE besT 双双.... ^_^
~~haRl0w t0 tHe w0rLd oUt tHerE~~
Is been a long long time since i last wrote something! And "s0meone" says that i should update on my blog and i think maybe i should since there might be fans outside waiting for my new blog. *zi kua* "*_*"
I realised that the world we are living in seems s0 big yet s0 small. In a the way, there are s0 many s0 many people that we have n0t met and will not be able to meet at all. I know it's impossible to see the whole world. H0wever, one can always try to travel around the world getting to know more friends and also to experience seeing the sun rise from another angle. Those first moments when you saw the sun rising higher up in the sky are totally different.
You may wonder, why is the world seems small then, when one cannot meet each and everyone living on Earth? For me, I always feel that the person that walk pass you might be someone u seen before or walked pass before, be it in orchard road or in sch00l. Whether it's my six sense or n0t, if someone who seems t0 l00k familar passes me I'll take a second look at him/her. This feeling of knowing him/her makes me look at and try to recall whether he's someone i should acknowleadge. I have many friends in primary sch00l and in secondary sch00l. I can remember most of them maybe not all. But honestly, when u saw someone you know but that person doesnt recognise you what is your first thought? Have I change so much that he can't remember me? Or it's because i recognise the wrong person? Either way, he still cant recognise you until s0me1..the middleman? comes al0ng...then everything will come back to him and there you g0..your long-lost-contact friend...
I get to know many friends through the net. You might be thinking that no friendship is bonded. But you are definitely wrong. Because these friendships can last forever. We might not seen each other but we communicate and laugh at each other. We talk and understand one another. This is friendship. He may be in another part of the world, but we have one thing in common: We breathe the same air. I treasure them!!! :)
So much about acknowleadging l0ng-lost-friends and people we have n0t met before. To me, the most important is still the people around you. People that share your joys and happiness, sad and sorrow. They are family and friends. These people surround you with their care and concern, love and warmth. They can bring you tonnes of smiles but they can als0 break your heart and hurt you the most. But whatever it is, they are still the one that stays with you in times of trouble. Love them with all your heart because you should give and take at the same time. Be generous about love. Do n0t h0ld back at all because the world is m0re beautiful with this love going around. ^_^
Qu0te: "to the world you may be just some plain person, but to one person you may be the world t0 him"
Live life to the fullest!
I realised that the world we are living in seems s0 big yet s0 small. In a the way, there are s0 many s0 many people that we have n0t met and will not be able to meet at all. I know it's impossible to see the whole world. H0wever, one can always try to travel around the world getting to know more friends and also to experience seeing the sun rise from another angle. Those first moments when you saw the sun rising higher up in the sky are totally different.
You may wonder, why is the world seems small then, when one cannot meet each and everyone living on Earth? For me, I always feel that the person that walk pass you might be someone u seen before or walked pass before, be it in orchard road or in sch00l. Whether it's my six sense or n0t, if someone who seems t0 l00k familar passes me I'll take a second look at him/her. This feeling of knowing him/her makes me look at and try to recall whether he's someone i should acknowleadge. I have many friends in primary sch00l and in secondary sch00l. I can remember most of them maybe not all. But honestly, when u saw someone you know but that person doesnt recognise you what is your first thought? Have I change so much that he can't remember me? Or it's because i recognise the wrong person? Either way, he still cant recognise you until s0me1..the middleman? comes al0ng...then everything will come back to him and there you g0..your long-lost-contact friend...
I get to know many friends through the net. You might be thinking that no friendship is bonded. But you are definitely wrong. Because these friendships can last forever. We might not seen each other but we communicate and laugh at each other. We talk and understand one another. This is friendship. He may be in another part of the world, but we have one thing in common: We breathe the same air. I treasure them!!! :)
So much about acknowleadging l0ng-lost-friends and people we have n0t met before. To me, the most important is still the people around you. People that share your joys and happiness, sad and sorrow. They are family and friends. These people surround you with their care and concern, love and warmth. They can bring you tonnes of smiles but they can als0 break your heart and hurt you the most. But whatever it is, they are still the one that stays with you in times of trouble. Love them with all your heart because you should give and take at the same time. Be generous about love. Do n0t h0ld back at all because the world is m0re beautiful with this love going around. ^_^
Qu0te: "to the world you may be just some plain person, but to one person you may be the world t0 him"
Live life to the fullest!
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Friday, July 29, 2005
~buSy weEk~
time passes so fast that just a blink of my eye, it's the weekend lia0...h0h0!!
of course it has good thing and bad thing about it! say about bad things first...
i have tonnes of work haven't done yet. reports and projects always last minute work. lectures have to do other homeworks first because it's not completed!!! waH!! can u imaGine so much things at one time. Always stay in school until 9 plus..reached home then 10...*watch abit of tv only!* after tv ends i just fell asleep on the sofa! haha! see..this is why i say that there's isn't enough time for me to use!!
friday: I'm having a practical test and i have no idea about it. No preparation is done and i just go straight into the room. sh!t! overall i still can do the test lor but then lucky the lecturer help me some without penalising my marks! h0h0h0~~~
aGm: things run smoothly though there's some things that can improve on. my part for the MCs is ok partner is so cute and really good with the speeches! tirning and sleepy....but FUN!
of course it has good thing and bad thing about it! say about bad things first...
i have tonnes of work haven't done yet. reports and projects always last minute work. lectures have to do other homeworks first because it's not completed!!! waH!! can u imaGine so much things at one time. Always stay in school until 9 plus..reached home then 10...*watch abit of tv only!* after tv ends i just fell asleep on the sofa! haha! see..this is why i say that there's isn't enough time for me to use!!
friday: I'm having a practical test and i have no idea about it. No preparation is done and i just go straight into the room. sh!t! overall i still can do the test lor but then lucky the lecturer help me some without penalising my marks! h0h0h0~~~
aGm: things run smoothly though there's some things that can improve on. my part for the MCs is ok partner is so cute and really good with the speeches! tirning and sleepy....but FUN!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
AGM c0miNg s00n
Just another 2 m0re days the NPAC AGM is g0ing to take place. It's formal dress and I haven't buy my clothes yet!!! Can u imagine that???!!! ahHH!!! There's so much thing to do and I'm so "last minute"...and n0w i can't finish doing them before the date due... =(... acTually i thought that since it's wednesday tomorrow i can spare some time to go shopping but then i have to go back sch00l for some "public-speaking" stuff and there's a make-up lecture in the afternoon. My whole morning and half my afternoon is gone lia0...sianx!!! Now i have to make full use of my night time. SAD!!!! This is going to be so tiring. Next week i have another maths test!!! d0tx! I haven't been paying much attention during class and i can't understand what the notes is saying. ahHH~~i g0tta die s00n lia0.
Anyway, i just gotten my MCTE common test paper back. AND I'm actually quite sad that i didnt do as well as i thought i have. DISAPPOINTED!!!! But then there's always the final exam. Hopefully i can score much better than what i have now!!! YEAH!!! +U+U+U+U
**s0 rEd!!! hAHaha~~~
Anyway, i just gotten my MCTE common test paper back. AND I'm actually quite sad that i didnt do as well as i thought i have. DISAPPOINTED!!!! But then there's always the final exam. Hopefully i can score much better than what i have now!!! YEAH!!! +U+U+U+U
**s0 rEd!!! hAHaha~~~
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Have any of you read today's paper???
DAMN! The terrorists are on their moves again!!!
This really sucks you know??!! Does killing innocent people makes them feel shiok?? Or they have nothing better to do?? Or they feel like killing people is their jobs?
I can only give my greatest sincere to families who lost their love ones. It is something that no one would wish to see at all! However, we should use this as a hard lesson to fight against terrorism. Their aim is to scare us, make us live in hell. So we mustn't let them have the satisfaction of seeing us live in fear everyday. We should go about our daily life as normal. Live life to the fullest!!!
Since we never know when we are going to be attacked, what we can do is to make sure that our security is safe enough **(this is part of the government job and the people should also play a part in it.) and we should als0 treasure everything we have now. Spend time with your family and friends!!! And we should look forward to our everyday life. We can't pretend that nothing has happen but we can choose to accept the fact and continue living. Those who unfortunately die, I'm sure they hope to see us living as normal and happily everyday. Of course we still mourn for them but then we cannot let them control our life.
For the terrorists, i don't know what makes them do such things. Is it because they wanted to show the whole that they are much stronger than us? Or is it because their leader threaten them and use them to commit such crimes? I'm sure they weren't want to die and also causes many to die with them. How can they bear to leave their families and loved ones alone?? Whatever it is, i hope that they can WAKE UP and put a stop to all this things.
DAMN! The terrorists are on their moves again!!!
This really sucks you know??!! Does killing innocent people makes them feel shiok?? Or they have nothing better to do?? Or they feel like killing people is their jobs?
I can only give my greatest sincere to families who lost their love ones. It is something that no one would wish to see at all! However, we should use this as a hard lesson to fight against terrorism. Their aim is to scare us, make us live in hell. So we mustn't let them have the satisfaction of seeing us live in fear everyday. We should go about our daily life as normal. Live life to the fullest!!!
Since we never know when we are going to be attacked, what we can do is to make sure that our security is safe enough **(this is part of the government job and the people should also play a part in it.) and we should als0 treasure everything we have now. Spend time with your family and friends!!! And we should look forward to our everyday life. We can't pretend that nothing has happen but we can choose to accept the fact and continue living. Those who unfortunately die, I'm sure they hope to see us living as normal and happily everyday. Of course we still mourn for them but then we cannot let them control our life.
For the terrorists, i don't know what makes them do such things. Is it because they wanted to show the whole that they are much stronger than us? Or is it because their leader threaten them and use them to commit such crimes? I'm sure they weren't want to die and also causes many to die with them. How can they bear to leave their families and loved ones alone?? Whatever it is, i hope that they can WAKE UP and put a stop to all this things.
Make our world a better place to live in!!!!!!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
c0mm0n test finallY ovEr..
it was really a day to celebrate!!!! cause my common test had finally finish and i'm so free and RELAX!!!! i have my papers for 3 continuous day and can u's like right after u finish the 1st paper u have to rush straight home to prepare for the second paper..abit stressful and VERY tiring..i dont kn0w why i'm so friends are just slacking around..playing computer games instead of studying and i'm just sitting there with lots of notes and books in front of me...why is that happening to me?? it is because i didnt pay attention during lesson time and i actually panicked now? OR maybe it's because of peer pressure???
*truely i have an international class and those students REALLY have just one thing in mind "GET THE BEST SCORE"!!!*
maybe i really should start paying attention to my studies..have been nelgecting for sometime le wor..not a very good sign!! one paper over and another one coming right up..the life of a student can be describe in 4 words "JUST COMPLETE YOUR PAPERS" and hand up your assignment on time and do well for your exam! well..that's what your parents want fr0m us all along isnt it? their belief "GOOD GRADES WILL LEAD TO GOOD FUTURE". Is that really true?? i dont think so! cause even though u have the best grades now doesnt mean you will get the best job that pays you the highest salary in future when u work. Getting a good job needs some luck and chances..though education do play a part. However, we should never think that by getting good grades now ensure a better life in future because it's NOT TRUE!!!
anyway, what i'm trying to say is that study hard and play hard while you can!! ^_^
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
liNda h0waRD...*_*
hMm~~ anYoNe kn0wS hEr? .....weLl..i aM heR beSt faN...hEhE~~iN a wAy bA..shE wRites thE m0st l0maNtic..tHe m0st t0uChinG...tHe fUnniEst aNd tHe hAppiesT eNDings f0r aLl st0Ries...i hAve ab0ut 32 b00ks wriTten bY hEr..anD eaCh b00k i hAve reAd ab0ut 10 tiMes 0r m0re l0r..reAlly..n0 kIddiNg...th0ugh it'S quIte a lArge c0llEctioN...i sTill hAven maNage t0 gEt s0me of hEr b00Ks..tAts veRy saD l0r..caUse i reAlly wIsh t0 c0lLEct aLl... =(
s0mE intR0dUcti0n t0 hEr b00Ks~~
tHe beSt coLlEcti0n of actuAlly tHe "mAckenZie's faMily" iT sTarted fr0m the faTher aNd g0es d0wn thE faMily liNe..waD mAkes iT inTeresTing iS tHat onCe u reAd thE 1sT st0ry..u nEver stoPs unTil u c0mpleted tHe wh0le sEries...iT seEms s0 reAl tAt u cAn aCtually sEe tHem iN fr0nt 0f u~~ ^_^ tAt's a reAlly t0ugh thiNg aN auth0r faCes.. buT miSs h0wArd dId iT jUst wEll~~ =)
tHerE's an0tHer st0ry "Sarah's Child"...iT's s0 t0uchinG anD'S ab0ut a gUy wh0 l0St hIs wiFe anD 2 kIds t0 a fAtal acCIdeNt..bUt f0uNd l0Ve...h0pe...suNshIne...aNd fUtuRe wIth an0Ther gIrl...bUt thE j0uRney iS l0nG aNd hArD~~i bEliEve..evEryoNe hAs h0pE and dReaMs..d0 n0T lEt aNy osTacLes st0P u fr0m m0VinG f0rwaRd~~s0metHing i leArn fr0M thE b0oK~~~~~
"To Die f0r" is aN0ther fUnny thRillER wIth s0me l0maNtic iNsidE~~a bEauTifuL aNd sMart giRl wAs a tArget oF a kiLleR~~~aNd hEr deteCtIve b0yfrieNd iS alWays tHere t0 pR0teCt hEr~~ sensUAl.....kEep u oCCupiEd f0r a dAy~~~~
hAhaHA~~a sh0rt aNd brIef n0tE on hEr..mAybe i'M cRapPing aBit l0r~~ hEhE~~n0thIng t0 saY maH!!! waHahaHA~~~ ^_^
s0mE intR0dUcti0n t0 hEr b00Ks~~
tHe beSt coLlEcti0n of actuAlly tHe "mAckenZie's faMily" iT sTarted fr0m the faTher aNd g0es d0wn thE faMily liNe..waD mAkes iT inTeresTing iS tHat onCe u reAd thE 1sT st0ry..u nEver stoPs unTil u c0mpleted tHe wh0le sEries...iT seEms s0 reAl tAt u cAn aCtually sEe tHem iN fr0nt 0f u~~ ^_^ tAt's a reAlly t0ugh thiNg aN auth0r faCes.. buT miSs h0wArd dId iT jUst wEll~~ =)
tHerE's an0tHer st0ry "Sarah's Child"...iT's s0 t0uchinG anD'S ab0ut a gUy wh0 l0St hIs wiFe anD 2 kIds t0 a fAtal acCIdeNt..bUt f0uNd l0Ve...h0pe...suNshIne...aNd fUtuRe wIth an0Ther gIrl...bUt thE j0uRney iS l0nG aNd hArD~~i bEliEve..evEryoNe hAs h0pE and dReaMs..d0 n0T lEt aNy osTacLes st0P u fr0m m0VinG f0rwaRd~~s0metHing i leArn fr0M thE b0oK~~~~~
"To Die f0r" is aN0ther fUnny thRillER wIth s0me l0maNtic iNsidE~~a bEauTifuL aNd sMart giRl wAs a tArget oF a kiLleR~~~aNd hEr deteCtIve b0yfrieNd iS alWays tHere t0 pR0teCt hEr~~ sensUAl.....kEep u oCCupiEd f0r a dAy~~~~
hAhaHA~~a sh0rt aNd brIef n0tE on hEr..mAybe i'M cRapPing aBit l0r~~ hEhE~~n0thIng t0 saY maH!!! waHahaHA~~~ ^_^
Sunday, June 19, 2005
hAve u evEr imAgiNe urSelf in a w0rlD fuLl of l0vE aNd waRmtH????!!!! wiLl u bE aBle t0 sTay iN sucH a w0rlD?! jUst onLy l0vE and noThiNg eLse...wIll u gEt b0riNg anD wAnt s0mEthIng elSe? iF s0meoNe weRe t0 teLl u tAt hE l0vEs u...wIll u bE haPPy?? i wIll bE s0 hAppIE..buT deN wAd wIll hAppeN neXT?? i gUess n0b0dy kN0ws...isNt evEry gIRl wiSh t0 hAve s0mE-onE t0 taKe cAre of hEr f0rEver?? i sUpP0Se s0..but dEn girLs lIke mE jUst 18 yEars 0Ld..w0nT it bE t00 y0uNg t0 tHink ab0ut maRRiAge? mAybe stuDyinG is iMp0rtAnt bUt deN wE hAve feEliNGs tat wE caNt c0nTr0l aT alL!!! aM i tHinkIng t00 muCh? oR aM i thInkIng t00 liTtlE? alWaYs w0nDerIng whEthEr thE daY wheN s0me 1 reAllY l00k deEp insIde mE aNd teLl me hE reAllY l0vEs mE..anD tAt f0r thIs liFetiMe hE wiLl cAre ab0uT me...i mAy n0T hAVe anY rEacTi0n bUt waD hAppeNs insIde mE iS liKe tHe cheMicaL reacTi0n bEtweEn maGnesium aNd hydr0chl0rNic aCid...iT expl0Res..iNt0 maNy tIny fIrew0rKS..... ^_^
tHe oNE aND onLy ouT thEre...ilU....
tHe oNE aND onLy ouT thEre...ilU....
Thursday, June 16, 2005
t|riNg dAy~~
wEd supP0sed t0 bE mY fAv0UriTe dAy sIncE i dUn hAvE t0 g0 scH00L oN thAt daY....buT t0daY hAvE t0 g0 bAck t0 aTteNd thE mcr0-E c0mMiTteE mEetnG~~s0 i hAve t0 dRag mYseLf ouT ofF mY bEd aNd g0 scH0ol.....b0rIng mEetng...**wHerE g0T meEtiNg inTerEstIng & n0t b0RiNg??!!??!!** aftEr tAt...a bUnCh oF uS wEnt t0 pLay p0Ol...acTuAlLy i diDnt pLay l0R~~cAusE i onLy wAstE tiMe trYng t0 aIm cOrrEctLy...hEeX~~anYwaY, i jUst sAt thEre reAdng tHis b00K.."sTand0fF"....iT waS quIte inTerEstng...t0kIng s0me kiDnApPng thInGy...aNd i c0mpLeTeD tHe wh0lE b0Ok!!!! h0hO~~ i wAs dEad biT afTer tAt~~......inTenD t0 g0 baCk h0mE...inSteAd weNt baCk t0 oLd scH00L...sTay tHerE f0R s0 l0Ng tAt i f0RgotTen tmE...anD....stUnnEd!!! iT's alReadY 10++.........................cAnt tAke iT le w0R~~~ sUrf nEt... plAy ar0uNd...1 plUs le...tme jUst lIke t0 sLip tHr0uGh mY hAnds s0 fAst.....
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
geTt|nG b0RiNg~~
waiTInG in sCh00L f0R 5 l0Ng h0uRs juSt f0R a 2 h0uR maThS clAsS~~reAlLy sIanX!!!!!
h0wEver i hAve 2 shUai ge gE t0 aCc0maPanY mE~~mUhAhaHA~~ ^_^ **aInt i luCky??!!**
fiGurnG h0W t0 aDd pIctuRes t0 thE tuPid bl0g~~ oPps..sh0ulD i saY i'm tHe 1 wh0's tuPid??! l0LX~~i'm reAllY crAppIng n0w~~ aHH~~~
juSt fInisH mY sh0rt iNteRvieW wiTh kK..aB0ut asTr0 thIngY~~hEHe~~ *_* inTereStng....anD hErE i aM slAcKiNg ar0Und~~ hAve S0 muCh t0 d0 buT thIngS seEms t0 bE sTacKinG & stAckng uP......n0 tme maNaGemEnt..... :'( *s0B S0b*
h0wEver i hAve 2 shUai ge gE t0 aCc0maPanY mE~~mUhAhaHA~~ ^_^ **aInt i luCky??!!**
fiGurnG h0W t0 aDd pIctuRes t0 thE tuPid bl0g~~ oPps..sh0ulD i saY i'm tHe 1 wh0's tuPid??! l0LX~~i'm reAllY crAppIng n0w~~ aHH~~~
juSt fInisH mY sh0rt iNteRvieW wiTh kK..aB0ut asTr0 thIngY~~hEHe~~ *_* inTereStng....anD hErE i aM slAcKiNg ar0Und~~ hAve S0 muCh t0 d0 buT thIngS seEms t0 bE sTacKinG & stAckng uP......n0 tme maNaGemEnt..... :'( *s0B S0b*
sLeePnG s00N~~~ gAgA~~
jusT mY fIrst tRy plAyinG bl0G~~
it's mY frsT tmE plAyng bl0g..and i'm haViNg s0mE pr0bLemS...trYiNg t0 fiGure 0uT wAt t0 d0 neXt...l0lX...abit shua ku leH~~..........
juSt baCk fr0m caMp~~ tiRed...slEepY...huNgry...buT tAt's n0t aLl...thEre's als0 FUN & lAuGhtEr.... ^_^ hEHe~~~ i w0ulD saY tAt caMp weNt weLl...th0uGh therE's stIll sTuFf wE caN inpr0vE 0n~~~ tHe neXt caMp wIll bE a muCh beTteR onE....yEaH!!!!
*thIs meSsaGe is juSt f0r tEstng 0uT onLy...waHahAhaHA*
~~~muaCk mUacK~~~
juSt baCk fr0m caMp~~ tiRed...slEepY...huNgry...buT tAt's n0t aLl...thEre's als0 FUN & lAuGhtEr.... ^_^ hEHe~~~ i w0ulD saY tAt caMp weNt weLl...th0uGh therE's stIll sTuFf wE caN inpr0vE 0n~~~ tHe neXt caMp wIll bE a muCh beTteR onE....yEaH!!!!
*thIs meSsaGe is juSt f0r tEstng 0uT onLy...waHahAhaHA*
~~~muaCk mUacK~~~
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