Wednesday, June 22, 2005

liNda h0waRD...*_*

hMm~~ anYoNe kn0wS hEr? .....weLl..i aM heR beSt faN...hEhE~~iN a wAy bA..shE wRites thE m0st l0maNtic..tHe m0st t0uChinG...tHe fUnniEst aNd tHe hAppiesT eNDings f0r aLl st0Ries...i hAve ab0ut 32 b00ks wriTten bY hEr..anD eaCh b00k i hAve reAd ab0ut 10 tiMes 0r m0re l0r..reAlly..n0 kIddiNg...th0ugh it'S quIte a lArge c0llEctioN...i sTill hAven maNage t0 gEt s0me of hEr b00Ks..tAts veRy saD l0r..caUse i reAlly wIsh t0 c0lLEct aLl... =(
s0mE intR0dUcti0n t0 hEr b00Ks~~

tHe beSt coLlEcti0n of actuAlly tHe "mAckenZie's faMily" iT sTarted fr0m the faTher aNd g0es d0wn thE faMily liNe..waD mAkes iT inTeresTing iS tHat onCe u reAd thE 1sT st0ry..u nEver stoPs unTil u c0mpleted tHe wh0le sEries...iT seEms s0 reAl tAt u cAn aCtually sEe tHem iN fr0nt 0f u~~ ^_^ tAt's a reAlly t0ugh thiNg aN auth0r faCes.. buT miSs h0wArd dId iT jUst wEll~~ =)

tHerE's an0tHer st0ry "Sarah's Child"...iT's s0 t0uchinG anD'S ab0ut a gUy wh0 l0St hIs wiFe anD 2 kIds t0 a fAtal acCIdeNt..bUt f0uNd l0Ve...h0pe...suNshIne...aNd fUtuRe wIth an0Ther gIrl...bUt thE j0uRney iS l0nG aNd hArD~~i bEliEve..evEryoNe hAs h0pE and dReaMs..d0 n0T lEt aNy osTacLes st0P u fr0m m0VinG f0rwaRd~~s0metHing i leArn fr0M thE b0oK~~~~~

"To Die f0r" is aN0ther fUnny thRillER wIth s0me l0maNtic iNsidE~~a bEauTifuL aNd sMart giRl wAs a tArget oF a kiLleR~~~aNd hEr deteCtIve b0yfrieNd iS alWays tHere t0 pR0teCt hEr~~ sensUAl.....kEep u oCCupiEd f0r a dAy~~~~

hAhaHA~~a sh0rt aNd brIef n0tE on hEr..mAybe i'M cRapPing aBit l0r~~ hEhE~~n0thIng t0 saY maH!!! waHahaHA~~~ ^_^

Sunday, June 19, 2005


hAve u evEr imAgiNe urSelf in a w0rlD fuLl of l0vE aNd waRmtH????!!!! wiLl u bE aBle t0 sTay iN sucH a w0rlD?! jUst onLy l0vE and noThiNg eLse...wIll u gEt b0riNg anD wAnt s0mEthIng elSe? iF s0meoNe weRe t0 teLl u tAt hE l0vEs u...wIll u bE haPPy?? i wIll bE s0 hAppIE..buT deN wAd wIll hAppeN neXT?? i gUess n0b0dy kN0ws...isNt evEry gIRl wiSh t0 hAve s0mE-onE t0 taKe cAre of hEr f0rEver?? i sUpP0Se s0..but dEn girLs lIke mE jUst 18 yEars 0Ld..w0nT it bE t00 y0uNg t0 tHink ab0ut maRRiAge? mAybe stuDyinG is iMp0rtAnt bUt deN wE hAve feEliNGs tat wE caNt c0nTr0l aT alL!!! aM i tHinkIng t00 muCh? oR aM i thInkIng t00 liTtlE? alWaYs w0nDerIng whEthEr thE daY wheN s0me 1 reAllY l00k deEp insIde mE aNd teLl me hE reAllY l0vEs mE..anD tAt f0r thIs liFetiMe hE wiLl cAre ab0uT me...i mAy n0T hAVe anY rEacTi0n bUt waD hAppeNs insIde mE iS liKe tHe cheMicaL reacTi0n bEtweEn maGnesium aNd hydr0chl0rNic aCid...iT expl0Res..iNt0 maNy tIny fIrew0rKS..... ^_^
tHe oNE aND onLy ouT thEre...ilU....

Thursday, June 16, 2005

t|riNg dAy~~

wEd supP0sed t0 bE mY fAv0UriTe dAy sIncE i dUn hAvE t0 g0 scH00L oN thAt daY....buT t0daY hAvE t0 g0 bAck t0 aTteNd thE mcr0-E c0mMiTteE mEetnG~~s0 i hAve t0 dRag mYseLf ouT ofF mY bEd aNd g0 scH0ol.....b0rIng mEetng...**wHerE g0T meEtiNg inTerEstIng & n0t b0RiNg??!!??!!** aftEr tAt...a bUnCh oF uS wEnt t0 pLay p0Ol...acTuAlLy i diDnt pLay l0R~~cAusE i onLy wAstE tiMe trYng t0 aIm cOrrEctLy...hEeX~~anYwaY, i jUst sAt thEre reAdng tHis b00K.."sTand0fF"....iT waS quIte inTerEstng...t0kIng s0me kiDnApPng thInGy...aNd i c0mpLeTeD tHe wh0lE b0Ok!!!! h0hO~~ i wAs dEad biT afTer tAt~~......inTenD t0 g0 baCk h0mE...inSteAd weNt baCk t0 oLd scH00L...sTay tHerE f0R s0 l0Ng tAt i f0RgotTen tmE...anD....stUnnEd!!! iT's alReadY 10++.........................cAnt tAke iT le w0R~~~ sUrf nEt... plAy ar0uNd...1 plUs le...tme jUst lIke t0 sLip tHr0uGh mY hAnds s0 fAst.....

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

aStr0 cAmp '05... sEe taT gUy iN fUnnY faCes.. reAlLy fEel lIke bAsHnG hiM uP!!! wahAhaHA~~~~ ^_^

fIrSt tRy uSing mY weB caMerA~~

geTt|nG b0RiNg~~

waiTInG in sCh00L f0R 5 l0Ng h0uRs juSt f0R a 2 h0uR maThS clAsS~~reAlLy sIanX!!!!!
h0wEver i hAve 2 shUai ge gE t0 aCc0maPanY mE~~mUhAhaHA~~ ^_^ **aInt i luCky??!!**
fiGurnG h0W t0 aDd pIctuRes t0 thE tuPid bl0g~~ oPps..sh0ulD i saY i'm tHe 1 wh0's tuPid??! l0LX~~i'm reAllY crAppIng n0w~~ aHH~~~
juSt fInisH mY sh0rt iNteRvieW wiTh kK..aB0ut asTr0 thIngY~~hEHe~~ *_* inTereStng....anD hErE i aM slAcKiNg ar0Und~~ hAve S0 muCh t0 d0 buT thIngS seEms t0 bE sTacKinG & stAckng uP......n0 tme maNaGemEnt..... :'( *s0B S0b*
sLeePnG s00N~~~ gAgA~~

jusT mY fIrst tRy plAyinG bl0G~~

it's mY frsT tmE plAyng bl0g..and i'm haViNg s0mE pr0bLemS...trYiNg t0 fiGure 0uT wAt t0 d0 neXt...l0lX...abit shua ku leH~~..........
juSt baCk fr0m caMp~~ tiRed...slEepY...huNgry...buT tAt's n0t aLl...thEre's als0 FUN & lAuGhtEr.... ^_^ hEHe~~~ i w0ulD saY tAt caMp weNt weLl...th0uGh therE's stIll sTuFf wE caN inpr0vE 0n~~~ tHe neXt caMp wIll bE a muCh beTteR onE....yEaH!!!!

*thIs meSsaGe is juSt f0r tEstng 0uT onLy...waHahAhaHA*
~~~muaCk mUacK~~~