s0mE intR0dUcti0n t0 hEr b00Ks~~
tHe beSt coLlEcti0n of aLl..is actuAlly tHe "mAckenZie's faMily" iT sTarted fr0m the faTher aNd g0es d0wn thE faMily liNe..waD mAkes iT inTeresTing iS tHat onCe u reAd thE 1sT st0ry..u nEver stoPs unTil u c0mpleted tHe wh0le sEries...iT seEms s0 reAl tAt u cAn aCtually sEe tHem iN fr0nt 0f u~~ ^_^ tAt's a reAlly t0ugh thiNg aN auth0r faCes.. buT miSs h0wArd dId iT jUst wEll~~ =)
tHerE's an0tHer st0ry "Sarah's Child"...iT's s0 t0uchinG anD reAl..it'S ab0ut a gUy wh0 l0St hIs wiFe anD 2 kIds t0 a fAtal acCIdeNt..bUt f0uNd l0Ve...h0pe...suNshIne...aNd fUtuRe wIth an0Ther gIrl...bUt thE j0uRney iS l0nG aNd hArD~~i bEliEve..evEryoNe hAs h0pE and dReaMs..d0 n0T lEt aNy osTacLes st0P u fr0m m0VinG f0rwaRd~~s0metHing i leArn fr0M thE b0oK~~~~~
"To Die f0r" is aN0ther fUnny thRillER wIth s0me l0maNtic iNsidE~~a bEauTifuL aNd sMart giRl wAs a tArget oF a kiLleR~~~aNd hEr deteCtIve b0yfrieNd iS alWays tHere t0 pR0teCt hEr~~ sensUAl.....kEep u oCCupiEd f0r a dAy~~~~
hAhaHA~~a sh0rt aNd brIef n0tE on hEr..mAybe i'M cRapPing aBit l0r~~ hEhE~~n0thIng t0 saY maH!!! waHahaHA~~~ ^_^