Each of us have different personality and character. You cannot make them change. If you can change fr0m one person to another, high change that you have split personality and i suggest you go see a psychologist. No one can replace you in the world. So.......
What i want to say is that i'm just me. Dont expect me to change anything to fit you so that you can be happier. I wont do that. Not even if you are someone close to me. My personality is what makes me me today. If you dont like it, you can just say it but i can for sure tell you I still wont change unless i feel there's a need!!! You might be right sometimes and I'm in the wrong. If that's the case i'll apologise but if you think that i apologise for something i didnt do wrongly u can wait till your next life. I dont understand how come some people cant control their temper. I mean is there a need to anyhow throw things on the ground to vent your angry??? No! I think that it will only show people that you lose control easily and you are violent. People will be more careful around you cause they never know when you actually hurt them. I'll keep my distance away.
Just a word of caution, beware of people who lose control easily.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Sentosa trip
dotx...t0day sick lia0..man...s0 terribLe leH...bl0ck n0se...fever...c0ugh..whatever y0u can have happen t0 me lia0...555555555555~~~ **(meAning crY)**.........still have to sit in a air-c0n r00m...haIX...takeN s0me pills lia0..much better...broke a c0ld sweat...taT's g00d news...hehe...anyWay...i'm still abit weak...hopefully..by the end of the week i'm better...i'm having a camp leh..cannot sick if not i cant enjoy myself lia0....hEex...anYway...friends out there take care w0r...be it you are in which place...it may be so cold...or so hot like africa...haha....drink more water and have more fruits...dotX...*naGGing*
Monday, November 07, 2005
Such people exist!!!
Honestly, i always see the wrong things in a person. I mean some1 that is nice to me and the 1st thing that come to my mind is he's a g00d guy i can be his friend. But i was so wrong. Something bad happen to me. Even though it happen on an online game, i'm still very sad and ANGRY...
It happen about an year ago. I get to know this guy fr0m the game since we are in the same guild. He's nice and friendly and we actually got well together. Inside the game we got married. *Do not think otherwise!!!* I thought i can trust him so i gave him my game account. At first nothing happen. We just go about playing our game. Sometimes we go on each other account and try playing different classes. Things started to change. My char always seems to be delvling instead of lvling. I found out that he always go on my char and PK (player kill) and die. I actually caught him once and he apologise. I didnt do anything and forgive him. Few months later, when i went online i realised that my account is empty. Everything inside is gone. I realised then that he steal my account and disappeared. Ever since then, i havent seen him anymore. Until yesterday....i got killed by some1 and that some1 is him!!! i was so angry u know...i got onto my own char and scolded him..and guess wad he scold me back. well i can expect that but wad really surprise me is that he scold all the bad stuff out.....i cant imagine that...he used to be such a nice guy and now he become this....i swear that 1 day i will kill him (on the game) with my own char and he will remember that i am not a small girl to be bully by him anymore.
My true friend say something..he's not some1 that worth your tears over. Yes that's true cause i will not care about him let him scold what he like as long as i go about my own stuff and be happy!!!
It happen about an year ago. I get to know this guy fr0m the game since we are in the same guild. He's nice and friendly and we actually got well together. Inside the game we got married. *Do not think otherwise!!!* I thought i can trust him so i gave him my game account. At first nothing happen. We just go about playing our game. Sometimes we go on each other account and try playing different classes. Things started to change. My char always seems to be delvling instead of lvling. I found out that he always go on my char and PK (player kill) and die. I actually caught him once and he apologise. I didnt do anything and forgive him. Few months later, when i went online i realised that my account is empty. Everything inside is gone. I realised then that he steal my account and disappeared. Ever since then, i havent seen him anymore. Until yesterday....i got killed by some1 and that some1 is him!!! i was so angry u know...i got onto my own char and scolded him..and guess wad he scold me back. well i can expect that but wad really surprise me is that he scold all the bad stuff out.....i cant imagine that...he used to be such a nice guy and now he become this....i swear that 1 day i will kill him (on the game) with my own char and he will remember that i am not a small girl to be bully by him anymore.
My true friend say something..he's not some1 that worth your tears over. Yes that's true cause i will not care about him let him scold what he like as long as i go about my own stuff and be happy!!!
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