Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My dinner: Chicken Curry rice with really nice KIMCHI! YUM!~

Our dessert for the night: Oreo Mania (Yesh, I think Oreo's my darling favourite, he's always ordering dessert with Oreo >.<)
Trying to be artistic! Can see me & darling inside the spoon? With Cindy and Honey....Effect not really good :(
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Anyway, today we are going out for a sort of "appreciation lunch" for our 3005 presentation. After long hours of compiling reports and slides and preparing for the presentation, we decide to have some fun!!! ^_^!
Our LUNCH place ^_^!
Trying to decide what my Lunch is going to be ^_^!!!
Honey & me (patiently waiting for our FOOD! ^_^!)
My Salad! ^_^! *healthy!*
Chocolate + sweet & sour Chicken bits = YUMMY! ^_^!!!
Lots of FOOD to gobble! /giggles!
Too happy to eat all these food *haha!*
Before leaving, qucik snap of honey & me :)
The colors are so RICH~~
*Childish!* ^_^! but happie!
In between a GIANT! ^_^!
More pictures to come...too many liao haha~ Hope you enjoy! :D
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Honey & me before the start of the show ^_^!!!
Boon Ming (总教主), honey & me!
Boon ming + his daughter (inside the show) hehe!
It was a truly memorable night! ^_^!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Wednesday 8th October
1st time swimming in school (with darling and honey)
1st time jumping off a 3m platform (scary!!!)
Thursday 9th October
1st morning call from Jingyuan! haha! ^_^
1st time running in school (6 rounds of 400m, not too bad larh! ^_^)
1st time eating in Ajisen Ramen (DUN LAUGH!)
Friday 10th October
1st time eating Changing Appetities
1st time shopping and having dinner outside till night with Meizhen and Serene (Gossip quite abit hehe!!!)
Saturday 11th October
1st time went for re-bonding (it's a VERY LONG process!)
^_^!!! it's feel good to do so many 1st time in just a few days!
Take a look and you'll know why I say she acts cute...SO MUCH! =.=

See the new hair style? Quite cute...
That pot of flowers is her favourite, arrnaged all by herself and we cant go NEAR it!
Trying to teach my mum how to take picture from above...haha...not too bad for a first timer...^_^
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
I supposed that's what a student life is (in University) anyway. Can't help but wonder besides studying, is there any other stuff that we students can do? I mean (HOPEFULLY) we are not going towards the studying style of China. I dont deny if I'm studying there, I'll be the 1st person to be given AT (Academic Termination)!!!
After tml's report due, I have 2 presentations to prepare for within 2 weeks of one another. Hmmm...that sound interesting, but TIRING as well! Lucky, I have my dear friends to be there for me, right? As long as they are there, I will look forward to going to school because I know I can be a happy student too. ^_^
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Went for a swim in school (1st time) with my honey and darling! heex! Swam a few laps and's so tiring after each lap. Have to start training again to get my lungs back into shape! haha! But it was very fun! Many thanks to Jingyuan for his goggles if not i will be swimming from lane 1 to lane 8...=.=
Quite a number of things happen...Got a guy tries to 搭讪me and my honey..but lucky he's quite g00d-looking...haha...Must be honey's good figure atttracts guys lorh...^_^!! and guess what...guys nowadays seems to like to hug one another in public pools...that's what I see anyway (maybe abit generalise?)
Ohh, my 第一次 also happen during the swim! haha! We went to jump of the 3m platform! haha!! It was scary (not abit only) but you got to jump no matter what (there's a queue behind me, no choice). You will floating in air for less than 2 seconds and "splash" into the water. The moment u enter the water, you feel human again. I didnt dare to try the 5m platform, but Jingyuan is very "ZAI"! He went to try and did it beautifully (unless you looked under the water :) ). Maybe next time I'll try the 5m platform, only after I master the 3m platform, I supposed! ^_^!!!
Anyway, after that went to shower and had our dinner at Canteen 2. I didnt know that there's a new stall that sells snow ice. We ordered 2 different flavous and enjoyed them!!!
Here they are:

2 VERY SINFUL desserts...^_^!!!
Chocoreo! Milk snow ice with bits of oreo's cookies and hot fudge /YUMMY!!!
Green Tea Snow Ice with peach toppings on top! (Can't help it, Peach is my FAVOURITE!) ^_^
Let's go do more swimming in future!!! ^_^ /EXERCISE!!!