As you guys know, I'm having my long holidays (finally!!!) now. Yeah it's good but i'm kind of rotting at home it's not doing me any good except wasting my time and watching tv...and eating + sleeping long hours...Well...yeah that's about what I've been doing for the past week.
But then, I did take up part-time working as a Game Master in the Army Pride Day (which had been 2 months and our pay is not here yet!!!), welcome ambassador (it's just sound nicer than rover) in Sentosa.
The whole group of us working as Game Masters ^_^

My dinner at New York New York (*yuMMY*)
Nothing much to show when working at sentosa (cause handphone is not allowed to use when on duty) so....what we do is pretty much just say hello to guests...wave to an incoming train (when nobody is looking at us =.=) and guide the guests to board the train. Basically that's what we do for 7 hours and you've to stand through. I took up the job because the timing is flexiable and it wont clash with my special term. :) Well, I dont think I'm going to continue once school starts. It's a very tiring job.
that's about it...^_^ /signing off
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