Anyway, just settled my IA stuff and I'm still getting worried about whether I can managed to get the placement in Chartered. Hopefully I can do well for the interview and get another chance to work in Chartered again. ^_^ *good luck!* (to my dear friends too!!!)
Hmm...getting abit poor nowadays...hopefully I can get all my pay soon! Have to start thinking of saving money for future use and was thinking of opening a savings account (those that you deposit a fived amount of money monthly). Ohh, anyone have lobangs for tuition kids, ranging from Primary 1 to 6? Heex! Just drop me a mail or call me 24-7! ^_^

The hanbok that I rented from Hanbok House. Cute isnt it? /giggles!
Happy Birthday MeIzHEN!!! ^_^ Hope you like the surprise that we have for you and may joy & happiness be with you always!!!
Attended the Navy talk and can't resist not taking a picture with Jingyuan (1st time wearing so nice leh! Heex!!!)! Opps...someone's Cedric..he's the photographer...
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