Heartening Meal consisting of "bits & pieces" of everyone's lunch + extra ingredients ^_^! *Oishii!*
After lunch, we went back to library to continue with our report. Near evening time, we meet up with uncle ye0 to go for a swim. It was a nice weather (not too dark not too sunny) and the pool isnt that packed as it is whenever we go. We swam quite a number of laps (just the breath of the pool) and I challenge mr. lin to see how long we can tread water. Loser got to buy the other person dinner. ^_^!!! hehehe~ yesh! I WON! (though by that time, I'm already half-way dead =.=) I realised that mr. lin can really sink into the water. He can sit or even lie flat at the bottom of the pool. I can't do that (haven got any idea why). I would sink half-way and float to the top again unless I let more air out which means that by the time I manage to sit down at the bottom of pool, I had to get to the surface for air. I cant even hold my breath too. At most 15 seconds! /sign! got to start to train my lungs~~
Although I cant sink well, I can float well enough. ^_^!!! Mr. lin on the other hand, cant float AT ALL! hehe!~ Have been trying to make him float but to no avail. Is it because he's too tall (legs too long) or because he got a bigger mass? I havent got any idea and still thinking how to make him float. *LOL*
Anyway, I have another aim to strike for...that is to use 1 breathe and swim across the 25m pool. I almost did that but when I was about 2 arms length away I got to come out for air. But I manage to use 2 breathes to swim across. Quite a big accomplishment for me ^_^!!!
Napkin Candle ^_^
This is the candle that I made using Napkins during work @ Raffles Marina. All thanks to Cindy, I learnt something new. Isnt it cute? hehe!!~Work @ RM is fun. It isnt that tiring and there's lot of GOOD food to eat. ^_^!!!
*Have been sneezing all day :) is it a good thing?*
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