Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Just finished reading another book: Totto-chan The Little Girl @ the Window. I found this book from my brother's little library (in his room) and got abit curious about it. So I started reading it...

Finding another book to read now....any recommendations? ^_^!
IA starting to enjoy another week of life before hard work begins........
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Back @ Jurong Point! Those staying in the west should know that the new wing at Jurong Point has already opened and it's SO CROWDED everyday! Honestly, I think it's quite good because most of the shops that I usually frequent is now opened there which means that I can buy my stuff easier (don't have to go all the way down to town area) ^_^.
There's a new Fairprice Supermarket (super duper big! That's why is called Fairprice Xtra!! *haha!!*) which opens 24 hours. When I knew that they are opening 24 hours, my 1st thought was "Who will shop inside the NTUC at night???!!!".
But I was SO SO WRONG!!! This picture was taken at 11.10PM (people Q-ing to check out)!!!
Friday, December 26, 2008
So artistic! I wonder who took this shot? :)
The next thing to look forward to now is NEW YEAR!!! Honestly, I can't wait for 2009 to arrive. A brand new year with brand new hopes and dreams! 2009 will be a better year for me. ^_^!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
It sux!!! I mean it's the holiday festival yet I got stomach cramp & headache. So much to prepare yet the month comes at the wrong time (you know what I mean >.<). My Christmas tree is up but still need some more ornaments to complete the decorations. I need some fake presents to put at the bottom of the tree too.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Appetizer: Home Smoked Duck with Mixed Green & Orange Mustard Dressing
The duck is really sliced THIN, good knife skill!

Cream of Pumpkin with a touch of Apple topped with Cinnamon, Cream & Dried Apples
It's abit too thick for me but the taste is there. :)

Sherbet Blueberry with some Mint
I havent got any idea what's Sherbet. So I check it out...and here it is....
A frozen dessert made primarily of fruit juice, sugar, and water, and also containing milk, egg white, or gelatin.

1st Main Course:
Chicken Roulade stuffed with Onion Mushroom with Purple sweet Potato Mashed & Mango sauce
I love the mango sauce *surprisingly!* the chicken is tender enough but I think needs more marination. :)

2nd Main Course:
Grilled Sea Bass & Mussel with potatoes ^_^!
I didnt order this but my sister says it's DELICIOUS! *wheee!*

Multi-layer Chocolate Mousse ^_^!!!
It's really YUMMY!!! I finished the whole plate in record time! *wahahaha!*
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Finally found the plates, bowls and cups to go with our cutlery ^_^!!! But like abit too small for us to use leh.../giggles!
Guess how many containers are there in the whole package? I took around 5 minutes to finish counting them >.<
Look like 瓶中信 bottles?
I like the flowers, maybe I'll buy it for decorations purpose if not when u put your food on top, you can't see those flowers.
Count the pokka dots first before you eat your meal!!! ^_^!!!
A "dizzy" plate that makes you feel DIZZY!!!! @_@
My mum's looking for a similar bowl but made of wood. This is made of stainless steel abit heavy but good for self-defense (I tried already! Sure work!).
It's so comfortable that I didnt want to leave the place. Already settled in the chair reading my Eclipse (lucky no one chase me away ^_^).
The best part of this trip is that we REALLY BOUGHT A CHRISTMAS TREE! *wHee!!!* But got to wait a few more days before the tree can be chop down (currently out of stock) and start on decorating it. ^_^ Looking forward to decorating cause it's my first time!!! 第一次啊!
Monday, December 08, 2008
Anyway, it's about the upcoming Christmas Party (/excited!). My mum has plans for the Christmas so wont be able to have it at my house (sobs!). I think it's also a bit quite late to have it at another person house. So my alternative is to have dinner at a restaurant (preferably buffet dinner). We can bring our own log cake (a MUST because it's CHRISTMAS!) and do our gift exchange there.
Welcome any other suggestions! ^_^!!!
*Please recommend any good buffet restaurant!*
CHEERS!!! ^_^!!!
Anyway, I went Borders today to search for my last book for the Twilight Series, Eclipse. Finally found it, and now I've the complete set of the whole series! *wHEEe!*
For those who are interested in knowing more about this series, you can check out this website:
Sunday, December 07, 2008

I only ate the strawberry, the rest was eaten up by mr. lin. Mango's not my favourite. But I can tell that it's really delicous because everyone ate at least 2 cups. haha!
The twin cherry. It's big and chewy and juicy. I ate so much that I felt abit too "cherrish". /giggles! ^_^!!!

It's actually a decoration on the fridge but lee hong put it on the top of the dining chair for decoration instead. The hair caught my attention. It's really messy but he look so innocent. wahahaha! CUTE!!!
Love you guys! Brought me lots of joy and laughter! THANK YOU! ^_^!!!
After the gathering, we went off our separate ways. I met up with my mum and sister for our coming dinner. :)
Our admission tickets for the night. baozhen, mable (bz's friend), mummy & bl
Quite an interesting arrangement. The candle light makes it as though we're having candle-light dinner ^_^!!!
Mummy & me taking a quick snap shot before our 4-course meal starts. /winks!
Happy me (but abit bloated from the afternoon's food >.<) *wheee!*
Cocktail of the night. Cant remember the name (very long and hard to remember) but I believe there's pineapple juice inside. ^_^

Our appetizer. Smoked duck with some wasabi sauce on the vegetables.
After our final course, I can barely moved! Too full to move plus i need to catch up on my sleep. After getting on a cab, i slept all the way back home. LOL! ^_^
*More pictures to come!*
Saturday, December 06, 2008
First day (Wednesday 3rd December 08):
Woke up early in the morning, 7am to prepare the food. I realised that I've lost my voice and need to go market to do some last minute shopping for food. My dad volunteer to accompany me and be my voice. *thanks dad!* After that, rush home to help my mum with the cooking and packed my bag.
*Sorry for keeping you waiting for such a long time!*
Around 1.30pm, mr. lin came and helped to carry all the food and went down to Jurong Point to pick up Jieying & family and also Serene before making our way down to the chalet. We manage to reach there by 3pm and check in to settle down. Unpacked all the food and prepare for the night BBQ.
Many thanks to QL & RK for bbq-ing the food. We had a very full dinner and enjoyed ourselves ALOT! ^_^ After dinner, we cleaned up and rest awhile, watched the 10pm show and prepare to go for the night cycling. Our destination is Changi Village. It's been a long time since my last cycling trip. My butt feels quite pain after awhile. *lol!!!* But it felt good when the wind keep blowing in your face and clear your mind.
Our dearest jieying had a small accident and hurt herself. Hopefully she'll recover fast!!! ^_^
We went back to our chalet at around 3 plus 4 and each of us took turns showering. Yeah, we smell cause of all the bbq smoke and sweat during the cycling trip. But after showering, we smell good and I had a good night sleep (except that my legs are having cramps).
Second day (Thursday 4th December 08):
Woke up quite late (around 7am), preparing to make breakfast for the rest. Surprisingly, found jieying, cedric, cindy and serene up (dont know whether they got sleep) and having breakfast. So I went back to sleep (on the sofa, quite comfortable! Seems like I love sleeping on sofa, heex!) and slept till 9 plus. Gotta wake up and brush up to return the rented bicyle. After that, I went to E!hub with mr. lin to get some food for steamboat and also to buy some vitamins C for his quite serious running nose (all because of me, u suffered, SORRY!). Shopped around abit, and suddenly it rains so heavy. We had no choice but to wait for the rain to stop.
Because of the rain, we didnt manage to say our goodbyes to serene. I also got to apologise for keeping you guys waiting. I know you all are waiting for us to come back so that we can plan the day's activities (죄 송 합 니 다 sorry in Korean :)). We decided to go play some basketball (for guys) and volleyball (for girls) and set out for our fun. Unfortunately, the weather doesnt agree with us and it rains so heavy. We had no choice but to cancel our plans and the rest went on to do some shopping at E!hub while mr. lin & I went back to prepare for the night's dinner.
We started our dinner when QL & RK arrived (Poor girl, got to travel all the way from IA training, 辛苦你了!) Split ourselves into 2 tables because abit too squeezy to accomulate 11 people in 1 table. We manage to finish most of the food and clear up all the plates and pots (it's ALOT! heex!).
Went to the beach for a stroll and play the sparklers (bought them so long ago, finally we can use them ^_^). Had a long chat with QL. *thank you for being my listening ears* /Appreciate!
Shower and bed time (too tired!) *_*
Third day (Friday 5th December 08):
I remember i set my alarm at 5am to watch the sunrise but didnt manage to wake up (i didnt even hear my phone's alarm, LOL! Deep sleep). But wenney told me that the trees block them so didnt manage to see the sun too. After washing up, went around to pack my bag and clear the kitchen to prepare to check out. So much stuff to bring home, lucky RK send mr lin home together with my stuff so i didnt have to carry them home (it's quite far!!!).
Went to have breakfast + lunch with the rest at White Sands. ^_^!!!
Sincerely apologise to all of you (you know who you are) if I didnt appear to be enjoying myself during the chalet. I really had fun with you guys (especially during the bbq and night cycling). :)
Tuesday, December 02, 2008

VOLCANO!!! Oh my GOD! Lucky that wasnt my dinner! Just by looking at it makes me want to gulp a glass of water down first. Miss Haoyu manage to finish the whole bowl. "ZAI!!!"
Simple beef raman. The soup super nice (sweetish!) and the carrots are so YUMMY! ^_^!
Spicy Cha Siew Raman. Haven't got any idea what came over me, but I requested for more chili and guess what? I lost my voice :(. I cant even hear what I'm saying now. But it feels so gooood when the soup flows down your throat. /giggles! ^_^!!!
Busying preparing my stuff for tml's chalet. I havent pack my bag!! OMG!!! Time's running out.
Monday, December 01, 2008