I only ate the strawberry, the rest was eaten up by mr. lin. Mango's not my favourite. But I can tell that it's really delicous because everyone ate at least 2 cups. haha!
The twin cherry. It's big and chewy and juicy. I ate so much that I felt abit too "cherrish". /giggles! ^_^!!!

It's actually a decoration on the fridge but lee hong put it on the top of the dining chair for decoration instead. The hair caught my attention. It's really messy but he look so innocent. wahahaha! CUTE!!!
Love you guys! Brought me lots of joy and laughter! THANK YOU! ^_^!!!
After the gathering, we went off our separate ways. I met up with my mum and sister for our coming dinner. :)
Our admission tickets for the night. baozhen, mable (bz's friend), mummy & bl
Quite an interesting arrangement. The candle light makes it as though we're having candle-light dinner ^_^!!!
Mummy & me taking a quick snap shot before our 4-course meal starts. /winks!
Happy me (but abit bloated from the afternoon's food >.<) *wheee!*
Cocktail of the night. Cant remember the name (very long and hard to remember) but I believe there's pineapple juice inside. ^_^

Our appetizer. Smoked duck with some wasabi sauce on the vegetables.
After our final course, I can barely moved! Too full to move plus i need to catch up on my sleep. After getting on a cab, i slept all the way back home. LOL! ^_^
*More pictures to come!*
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