BUSY! It's the 5th week of the school term! Time really fly flies flew!~
2 quizzes coming up + FYP fortnight meeting = SHAG!~ (I mean literally)
I just skipped 1 week of lectures, because I'm busy mugging in the library! *YES!* Now I understand what's the meaning of mugging. You got to really sit there and do some self-discipline (which I still need to improve on) and study hard! But with a computer in front of me, I'll be doing some farming, some fishing, some mafia-ing, some lecturing (Mainly FB-ing *_*).
Kind of miss my long hair again. I still think long hair looks better, make my face look a bit "thinner". *giggles!* Short hair, please hurry grow grow grow!!! ^_^_^_^_^
Which one looks better? :) :) :) Long OR short?
I can't wait for SATURDAY to come sooner!!!! HERE I COME! *WHEE!*
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