:) Spoiler for you guys! WAHAHAHAHA!
Team photo we took from the last rehearsal!
We're supposed to be acting funky, but in the end these are the poses that we could come out with! *LOL!* I thought that it turn out quite nice though...considering we've already dance for the last 3 hours. And those specs that we're wearing are actually 3D glasses! *LOL!* Arnel has a 3D home system at home which explains the glasses. Gotta find some time to get some funky glasses before Saturday comes too! :)
We have learnt all the steps, now just to make sure we can move along with the music and also the most importantly to dance together (which is the hardest!). -___-""
Let's work hard this week and Saturday we shall all have fun together! :) :) :)
Super side note:
I'm tired from working for this D&D. I rather be just a small role in it than being the Programmer. Yes, I need to make decisions, I need to make the call, but in the end does the boss listen? Seldom not, and I have to do it once again. If only I could just walk off and let him decide everything.
Someone told me to listen to others' ideas but really have you listen to mine? Is your ideas always the best? Ohh and to correct you on something, not every quarrel will bring you closer to each other again. It's just like if you accidentally knock your glass vase against the wall. The crack will always be there. I guess our friendship ain't that strong as I thought, because after that last time, I seemed to be further away than you thought.
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