Tuesday, March 03, 2009

It's really sad to hear about the news about the NTU student committing suicide after stabbing his Professor. Sometimes, it just need something to trigger a person to do something stupid. You might regret later but it's never correct to end your life. By ending your life won't solve any problems, you will only bring sorrow to your loved ones.

Here I am, saying all this, but sometimes I do think that it's best if I can just disappear from this world. I don't feel like giving anyone any explanation for whatever decisions I made. Because I can't explain to you. It's just my own decisions and how my brain thinks. Unless you're able to read my mind, I won't be able to tell you why this. You might think I'm selfish but this is how I think and feel.

But...right now it's not time to disappear...cause there are still a lot of stuff that I can't let go YET.

My family...Friends...my bed...my cupboard...my netbook...everything that really belongs to me...

No it's not time to go yet.

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