Thursday, October 09, 2008

It's going to be a very long night. I have to edit my 48 pages long report and make sure no spelling error, no grammar mistakes, the sentence structure is fine and to include all the references used in the report! OH MY GOD! Doesnt it sounds like I have tonnes of work on my head but just 10 hours away from dateline?

I supposed that's what a student life is (in University) anyway. Can't help but wonder besides studying, is there any other stuff that we students can do? I mean (HOPEFULLY) we are not going towards the studying style of China. I dont deny if I'm studying there, I'll be the 1st person to be given AT (Academic Termination)!!!

After tml's report due, I have 2 presentations to prepare for within 2 weeks of one another. Hmmm...that sound interesting, but TIRING as well! Lucky, I have my dear friends to be there for me, right? As long as they are there, I will look forward to going to school because I know I can be a happy student too. ^_^


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