Monday, August 16, 2010

A thought that went throught my mind ..........

Just a random chit-chat over dinner with my colleague, and thoughts of having a baby and starting a family flooded through my head.

How does one define being ready to start a family? Having enough savings? Or because age is catching up on you? Or it's just the natural thing to do when you are married and starting a family is 迟早的事? To me, none of the above reasons are enough to qualify you as being ready. Yes, I might not be someone qualified to judge anyone. But I definitely want my baby to come to this world because he/she is the fruit of my love.

It might sound old-fashioned, but think of it this way: When you plan to have a baby, don't think of the money involve in raising him/her. An old saying: 谈钱伤感情, it applies to this too. Your parents brought you up till now isn't it? If they can do it, why not you? A baby has the most sensitive feeling, they are able to feel the love surrounding them. Similarly, they can also feel the negative feelings easily. A baby is someone for you to put your whole heart into it, to adore, to 疼, to see him/her grow slowly day by day.

The best should be given to the baby, and this means your total love. If you can't do this simple thing, don't think about starting a family, will ya?

Hehehehe! I enjoyed playing with kids, and am considering when I retired I want to become full-time nanny (Maybe a bit too early to think about retirement, right? ^_^!!!) My cousins' daughter! *She's such a dollie!* 

But one thing I'm definitely sure about, I will ♥ my baby more than myself. :))))

Randomly thinking,
saRah :))))

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