Friday, March 19, 2010

A little update for these days.....

I missed blogging, but work is piling up, and making me dread waking up every morning. Because I knew the next 12 hours will be spent mostly in the library (I even believe that the librarian can recognize me). >.<""

Plus!, this month having serious mood swings, till I can't take it anymore! (T_T) I can be smiling away this minute and the next minute, I'll be getting all worked up because of the "this-cannot-that-cannot" feeling. *URGH!* And those who knew me well enough, whenever, I don't talk (maybe just a little...), keep on looking everywhere but you, it means I'm not in a good mood. This serves as a fairly good warning so stay away from me. bleah!~ But then, it's good to have you along to let me 发泄 on. Though it's not your fault. 

Ohh, definitely not to forget, something to cheer me up every night after the library closes! ^_^_^_^_^

Tada!!!! Wahahahahaha!~

After a long day of report writing + online lectures + tutorials, this definitely perks me up! HAHAHA! Lucky I found a kaki to play with me, and the current score stands at 11-14, with me losing. >.<""" But hey, I will win back ok? HAHAHAHA!

Gotta sign off and back to bed, tutorial early in the morning. Urgh!

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